A few years ago, the place where I work hired a kid fresh out of high school. He had no experience in our field, but he had a connection with my supervisor. That foot in the door eventually led to a great friendship between this young man and myself.
During our time working together, we got to take a few work-related road trips. These trips provided some one-on-one time where the two of us were able to share ideas and thoughts.
Our relationship began as a mentor-apprentice one (me as the mentor), but eventually evolved into a relationship where we viewed each other on the same level. We could share thoughts, ideas, and the stuff going on in our lives. We invested in each other.
Today, my friend has moved into a different work environment, and now he is mentoring and investing in people over there.
One of the best ways to leave a positive legacy for ourselves is to invest in someone's life. Parents do this for their kids, and leaders do this for those they lead.
The Bible gives us the best illustration of investing. We find it in the first four books of the New Testament. Jesus had many followers, but chose twelve to invest his time into. And, out of those twelve, there were three that received the most attention.
Jesus provided a great leadership model for us to follow. Investing in people is a great way to help shape them into becoming someone special. It's also establishes a legacy for the investor.
Who are you investing in?