Monday, March 28, 2011

Monday Ten

1. Spring Break is over. Now it's back to the office.

2. It seems like most times I am away from work, disaster strikes.

3. This time, a major component at our transmitter site broke and melted away. Fortunately, it was relatively easy to fix.

4. Fortunately, too, one of our other Christian stations in town had the part we needed, so we weren't off the air too long.

5. The moral of this story, for me anyhow, is to leave my cell phone turned off when on vacation.

6. Turning to other things, I had plans to go golfing this past week, but the weather turned sour.

7. That allowed for a lot of basketball watching.

8. I filled out one NCAA bracket this year. Only two of the teams I chose made it to the regional finals (Elite 8). None made it to the Final Four.

9. Strange year for my bracket. Usually I'm much better at picking winners.

10. Of course, who would've thunk that Butler and Virginia Commonwealth would meet in the Final Four. I suspect no one's bracket is still intact.

Friday, March 25, 2011

I'm a Fan Award Nominee

I learned yesterday that I am a nominee for medium market DJ in the Singing News Fan Awards magazine competition.

This verifies it.

So, if you subscribe to the Singing News, vote for Kyle Dowden for medium market DJ.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Beware the Misguided Dagger

A few years ago, my wife and I visited the church her brother attended at the time. It was my first time to this church, and will probably be my only time there.

Things were rolling along smoothly in the service until the pastor, in his message, took time to directly bash another local church in the same denomination, calling them by name to his congregation. Something in my gut tightened up, and I might've even thrown up in my mouth a little.

The negative words he spoke toward that other church did not match that other church's history or current activities. Ultimately, I was able to read through the sermon spatter, and recognized this man was a) upset that some in his congregation had probably went to that other church, and b) jealous of this other church's success.

Fortunately for me, those words birthed a distaste in my soul for churches (and their members) verbally attacking one another.

Fast forward to the present day. The church I attend is now one of those that are being verbally attacked by other Christians. The reason: we don't do church the way they have always done church...and its working in our community.

This past week, a friend of mine overheard another pastor giving a devotional that called our church out by name, and blasted some of the sermons we had preached.

There are two problems with Christians bashing the things other Christians and/or churches are doing.

  • When you attack another Christian or church without just cause (just cause being that they no longer preach/teach the Bible and do not adhere to the Nicene Creed.), you only serve Satan's purpose of dividing the Church and bringing mockery and scorn to Jesus' name.
  • If God is really behind the things you openly oppose, then you are fighting God.

That last point is very important. in Acts 5:29-41, Peter and John are hauled before the religious leaders of their day, because they were teaching about Jesus. After being ordered to stop preaching in Jesus' name, Peter and John refused to deny the call of God on their lives.

This infuriated the religious leaders so much that they wanted to kill Peter and John. But, a Pharisee named Gamaliel calmed the crowd and pointed out one very important truth. If God is not behind what the apostles were doing, they would eventually fade away like all the false prophets and false teachers eventually do.

Gamaliel pointed out, however, that if God was behind these men, there was nothing the opposition could do to stop this new movement. His words of caution were that not only could you not stop this movement, but you could also find yourself fighting against God.

The point here is this, if you see a church and the Christians there doing things that make you upset or uncomfortable, examine thouroughly what is going on there. Be very cautious about portraying them negatively.

My experience from the two churches I have witnessed being attacked by others is that God is doing incredible things and changing lives through the different methods these churches are using. You don't want to be on the wrong side of a work of God.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Monday Ten - Spring Break

It's spring break at my home, so I've listed ten things about spring break.

1. Up until a couple of years ago, I had worked every spring break since graduating from high school.

2. I now try to take spring break off, so I can spend more time with my family. (That's what I'm doing this week.)

3. Spring break is only truly great if you have the financial wherewith all to actually go on a great road trip.

4. Walmart is not a great road trip.

5. If a road trip is not feasible, then a round of golf is a great substitute...provided the weather is good.

6. Spring break might be better spent at a casino, because the weather is a crap shoot in the Midwest.

7. I suppose an advantage to spring break in the Midwest is that you can get a lot of honey-do projects and spring cleaning finished...because there isn't a warm, sunny beach to distract you.

8. I like warm, sunny beaches. But, in the Midwest, the closest beach is the sandbox in your back yard...after you've cleaned the cat droppings out of it.

9. I'm sure pets don't like spring break, because the kids are home. Hence, they go and hide in the sandbox.

10. Since it's spring break, and the weather isn't completely perfect yet, we'll pretend like it is and treat this week as if it were the middle of May. BBQ anyone?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Saturday Church

My pastor blogged today about Saturday night services that we began at North Point nearly two years ago.

My wife and I attended the Saturday services until this past January when a change in volunteer positions forced a move back to Sunday.

Honestly, we absolutely loved Saturday night church. The biggest advantage we found was that we didn't really have big plans on Saturday night anyway, and this gave us something great to do and be a part of. Of course, it also meant not having to get up Sunday mornings and hurry around to get ready for church.

Saturday night church has a much different atmosphere than Sunday church.

And, for us at NPC, Saturday night carried several surprises. We didn't know which, if any, of the services would be popular. We didn't know if Saturday night church would even work. After all, other churches in town had tried it and abandoned it.

Saturday night church turned out to be very successful, especially the 5 p.m. service, which has as many people attending it as our heavily attended 11 a.m. Sunday service.

Now, to be honest, when we moved back to Sunday services, we realized some negatives about Saturday night church. Since we volunteer, and have kids, we found ourselves rushing around to make it in time for pre-service meetings, and get our kids in their classes. Also, since most people we know go to church on Sundays, doing anything with them takes more planning and coordination.

All in all, Saturday night church is a great thing, and a very enjoyable experience for a church that can pull it off.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Monday Ten

Today's list of ten are random things that are going on in the neighborhood.

1. Living in the Ozarks will always keep you hopping. Saturday was sunny and 68. Today, it's snowing and 36. Next Thursday it will be 74. Stupid groundhog!

2. My family experienced a little sadness and a lot of joy last week when my wife's grandfather passed away. Fortunately, he was a Christian and today is in Heaven with Jesus.

3. The church we attend baptized 248 people at our two campuses this past weekend. Watching people go public with their faith in Jesus is an awesome sight.

4. Next week is Spring Break. A golf course is calling my name.

5. I don't know about you, but I couldn't take my eyes off the amazing video coming out of Japan last Friday. Such a terrible tragedy. I only hope the people of Japan will turn to Jesus during this time.

6. I was filling in for our morning show host Friday. The reporter in me got a chance to come back to life, as I kept listeners updated on the tsunami as it hit Hawaii and the west coast.

7. My friends at the Convoy of Hope are doing what they can to help Japan. You can help too by donating through them.

8. The radio station I work for is experiencing some of the busiest times ever in my history here. I'm having to delagate some stuff just to get my daily chores completed.

9. This past week, the man who dreamt the dream that became KWFC passed away. He was only 22 when he approached Baptist Bible College about starting a Christian radio station in the Ozarks.

10: Lesson from #9: Young people can change the world.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Disaster in Japan

Today's earthquake and tsunami has ravaged Japan, especially the northern part of that island country.

To help in recovery efforts, text TSUNAMI to 50555 to donate $10 to Convoy of Hope's Disaster Response efforts. Message and Data Rates May Apply.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

New Version of the New American Bible

Today, the New American Bible releases its newest revision of the scriptures. This Bible contains heavy Catholic influences, but was also influenced by a wide range of Christian theologians.

This version of the Bible is primarily for Catholic audiences, and the notes contained throughout will reflect this.

What do you think? Do we need to constantly revise our Bible versions? And, what do you think of some of the changes the NAB has made? Review this link and let me know.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

NRB Comments: Chuck Swindoll

Chuck SwindollI spent most of last week at the National Religious Broadcasters annual meeting. The keynote address on the last night was delivered by Insight for Living's Chuck Swindoll. Here are some notes from his address.

I should tell people how I feel about them now rather than later. Later seldom comes.

Things I'm not even aware of are being noticed and remembered by others.

Little things mean so much to people.

Being real is a lot better than being religious.

Authenticity will keep you from a lot of problems.

When you fit, things flow. When they don't, they have to be forced. When God is in it, there is a flow. When it has to be forced, it tends to be a mistake.

It doesn't pay to talk anybody into or out of a big decision. Pushing & pulling has big consequences.

Days of maintainence are a lot more in number than days of magnificence.

Most of ministry is just plain hard work.

Some people aren't going to change, no matter what.

I seldom feel sorry for things I did not say.

4 gates to run what we say through:
1. Is it confidential?
2. Is it true?
3. Is it necessary?
4. Is it kind?

Perception overshadows reality.

Time spent with my family is always worth it.

Grace is worth the risk.

Stop saying "never" and "always."

Thinking theologically pays off big time.

Some things are worth the sweat.

You can't beat having fun.

Friday, March 4, 2011

NRB 2011

I just returned from my first ever trip to the National Religious Broadcasters convention, and I must say that it was time well spent. Not only did I learn some great stuff, but I also connected with some wonderful people.

I'll have more details and pictures later. For now, I'm resting and recovering from the long trip.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Blogs to Read

Once in a while I will re-direct you to some blog posts worth reading. Today is no different.

My pastor, Tommy Sparger, writes "The 15 Commandments for a Great Church."

John Maxwell writes a good post on understanding people.

And, this soon-to-be-adoptive mom is giving away an iPad and iPod Touch on her blog.