Tuesday, June 23, 2009

You Know, For Kids

That was the catch phrase of Norville Barnes in the 1994 movie The Hudsucker Proxy. Norville sought to make it big in corporate America, but had this inventor side to him that longed to create things for children.

"You know, for kids" is a line that churches should adopt as one of the driving forces behind what they do. Statistics already show that children are the most easily reached demographic when sharing the Gospel. Because of this fact, churches should invest the large majority of their resources toward reaching kids.

Sadly, in most churches, the children tend to get the shaft. The adults are the decision makers and more times than now, their decisions reflect their personal preferences...the things they like. So, budgets get set and programs planned that benefit adults while the kids are handed the leftovers.

Jesus told us the importance of children in Mark 10 when he showed his love for them, and pointed out that we all needed the faith of a child in order to receive the Kingdom of God. In fact, Jesus says here "Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them!"

That's an interesting line. When we designate a large majority of our church resources away from childrens and youth ministries, are we preventing the children from coming to Jesus? I would contend that we are stealing their potential salvation.

Here's my challenge to you, especially those of you in church leadership. Designate twice as much money and manpower to children's ministries than any other ministry in your church. Yeah, I know it's a huge committment, but I remind you of the above statistic.

Consider that the church hasn't done the best job of reaching children for Jesus for a few generations now. Meanwhile, Satan has given them his full attention. Proof of this is easily found in our culture, which has happily embraced humanism and turned away from Christianity.

Now, imagine how all that could change in 10-30 years time if the church concentrated most of its efforts toward sharing Jesus with children. Imagine entire generations of people committed to Christ. How would that revolutionize our world?

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