One of the things the speaker, Daniel Schiest (cq?) mentioned near the end of his talk really stuck with me. He commented that Christianity is losing in America because Christianity has become filled with complacent, politically correct people.
Is this true? Is it possible that the majority of churches and Christians in America fall into the complacent and P-C category? Considering that our society has increasingly gone this direction, it would seem plausible. Sadly, an observation of Christianity in America would seem to support the claim.
Here's what I see.... I see a church that is more interested in voting on what toilet paper the church uses, and less interested in displaying their beliefs and values on election day. I see a church that is so concerned about offending troublemakers within the walls that they never try to solve the issues in their communities. I see a church that is consumed with personal power, agendas and their own kingdoms that they will not submit to God's Word nor grow His kingdom. I see a church that is so worried about making people feel comfortable that they never challenge people to make decisions to follow Jesus.
That all being said, it is not this way everywhere. I also see churches that are casting aside the lukewarm and embracing Christ in ways that haven't been seen in nearly a century. American Christians are starting to awaken to a reality where the God they believe in is on the verge of being wiped out in favor of the more politically correct "many-gods" or "no-god." Pastors my age are starting to preach the Gospel more boldly without fear of what the offended in their congregations might say.
I believe Christianity in America is in the midst of a great identity change. I have heard reports across the country where two particular things are happening: 1) pastors are preaching the blunt truth of the Bible, regardless of whether or not it offends, and 2) people are beginning to come to Jesus in numbers not seen since the last Great Awakening.
And, that's where I'll wrap it up for today. Christ-follower, you should be getting excited. You should be sharing the good news of Jesus to those around you without fear. You should be noticing that God is moving among us in amazing ways. yes, I believe we are on the edge of another mighty move of God in our world. So, cast off the complacency and political correctness. Jesus condemned them in the Bible, and He condemns them today.
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