Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Re-inventing the Offering Plate

Change. Do church-goers really like it? Some say they do, while others prefer stability. But, ask any pastor seeking to move their congregation closer to God and to reach new people with the Gospel, and they'll tell you that change is a necessary characteristic of a church.

Often, the biggest changes in a church will come in the form of a new worship style, a re-vamped kids program, or a different way to do Sunday school/small group ministry. But, have you ever considered the change...as in dollars and cents?

This week, I was listening to a podcast with pastor Paul Martin about changes in church, and something he said caught my attention. It had to do with the way we take up offering. When we pass around the offering plate (or in some places, the chicken bucket), we alienate the younger generations of adults.

Consider this...the offering system in place at the majority of churches relies on people using checks or cash. However, many people in their 20s, 30s & 40s have done away with those forms of payment in favor of the debit card. Yet, you don't find very many churches set up to receive debit payments.

Sure, there are charges associated with such a set up, but if you have a large enough volume of users, it will pay for itself. So, while you and your leadership talk change, why not consider a way to let debit card users tithe with the card.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Gotta Make a Getaway

They got over speeds of 90-miles-per-hour on Dallas' busy highways. Television cameras captured the dozen patrol cars chase down the four-door sedan as the suspected drug dealer tried to make his getaway. For over an hour and a half, the chase wound through highways and streets before the suspect met his end, getting t-boned by a pickup in a busy intersection.

For a while, it was must-see TV today.

When it was all over, it occurred to me that we do the same with God. The difference between the Almighty and your local deputy is that God doesn't want to throw you behind bars. He wants to capture your heart and change your life.

Our sin-filled, human nature sends us running at 90-mph in the opposite direction. After all, who really wants to develop a close relationship with the Creator of the universe? Who really wants to discover their full potential by allowing God to transform them into what He designed?

Somewhere along the way, we've allowed Satan to convince us that God wants to "cramp our style." You know the excuses, "If I choose to follow Jesus, I won't be able to drink, smoke and chew, or date girls that do." Somehow we equate what we have without God as freedom. We don't have God telling us what to do.

Sadly, we mislead ourselves on this count. This so-called freedom is in fact slavery to Satan. The things we do in our freedom from God do nothing but destroy our minds, bodies and reputations. This apparent freedome of ours only leads to evil and destruction.

Contrast that with what God offers in Jeremiah 29:11 where God says, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope." I don't know about you, but my man-made freedom can't do that.

Throw in this consideration, too, that we are all slaves to something -- either God or Satan. I encourage you to read Romans 6. I like the way Paul reasons the results of being a slave to sin or to God, especially in the latter part of that chapter. Paul pulls no punches when he points out that the end result of our sin-filled "freedom" is death, while the end result of following Jesus is eternal life.

So, do you still want to make that getaway from God?

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Last Shall Become First

I was out golfing in a four-man scramble with a co-worker and some other media types in yesterday's scorching heat. Sadly, our team finished tied for last out of 17 teams. The teams that topped everyone were loaded with people who knew how to play the game (many recruited just for this purpose).

Finishing last in a meaningless round of golf wasn't the worst thing in the world, but it did bring to mind Jesus' comments about being first and last. You may remember the story from Matthew 20 where Jesus told the story of a set of workers who started the job at different times of the day, and each ended with the same pay -- the last getting the same as the first. Naturally, the day workers who worked the longest and hardest were upset about the arrangement, but the employer reminded them of their pay agreements.

Just before telling this parable, Jesus dealt with the real life situation of a young, rich man who wanted to follow Christ, but couldn't let go of his prized possessions. After the man had left, Jesus explained to his followers how difficult it is for the rich to become followers, essentially pointing out that money tends to be their god as it was with the young, rich man. Jesus finished up this discussion the same way he finished his parable, "Many who are first will be last, and the last first."

I think Jesus was trying to make a point that we in America would do well in learning. In ways, America is just like the people Jesus was teaching 2,000 years ago. Life was relatively stable at that moment. The Romans, as hated as they were, had made a lot of improvements in the area. There were a good number of people who found themselves in prosperous positions -- some earned, some purchased.

Those with power and position tended to neglect the poor and helpless. So, when Jesus told folks that the last would end up in first, I'm sure His words struck folks as a bit odd. If Jesus were around today, those words would have the same impact.

We're so used to looking out for number one that we forget about the needs of those at the end of the line. So, when Jesus tells us to give our riches to the poor, we swallow hard and tell Him that this command is too hard to choke down. When he tells us to take care of the widows who have no one to care for them, those of us in charge take a pass and pass that buck onto someone else.

The last shall become first is an obvious lesson in humility, but I think it also signifies our responsibility as Christians to be intentional about a few things:
  • We need to apply that whole humility thing to our lives. Yes, it'll mean swallowing our desire to be first in line, but that willingness to let go of the power and prestige will put us in line with Christ's message. The front of the line is temporary. It'll fade. But, our humility and willingness to help others will have eternal consequences.
  • Everyone is important to God. We get that from the parable on the workers mentioned above. Those who signed up near the end of the day were just as important as those who started the day. The reward is the same in God's eyes.
  • We need to be intentional in helping the needy. This isn't a job for someone else to do. When Christ told the rich, young believer to sell all he had and give it to the poor, he wasn't talking to some para-church organization. He was talking to you and I. He was talking to the church as a whole. The poor and widows, the children in need, the starving here and overseas are the church's responsibility, not someone elses.

Church. Christians. Step up to the plate. Be willing to be last -- to lower yourselves -- to get your hands dirty -- your shoulders wet with the sweat of laboring to fulfill the commands of Jesus. Honor God and don't leave it up to someone else.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

You Know, For Kids

That was the catch phrase of Norville Barnes in the 1994 movie The Hudsucker Proxy. Norville sought to make it big in corporate America, but had this inventor side to him that longed to create things for children.

"You know, for kids" is a line that churches should adopt as one of the driving forces behind what they do. Statistics already show that children are the most easily reached demographic when sharing the Gospel. Because of this fact, churches should invest the large majority of their resources toward reaching kids.

Sadly, in most churches, the children tend to get the shaft. The adults are the decision makers and more times than now, their decisions reflect their personal preferences...the things they like. So, budgets get set and programs planned that benefit adults while the kids are handed the leftovers.

Jesus told us the importance of children in Mark 10 when he showed his love for them, and pointed out that we all needed the faith of a child in order to receive the Kingdom of God. In fact, Jesus says here "Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them!"

That's an interesting line. When we designate a large majority of our church resources away from childrens and youth ministries, are we preventing the children from coming to Jesus? I would contend that we are stealing their potential salvation.

Here's my challenge to you, especially those of you in church leadership. Designate twice as much money and manpower to children's ministries than any other ministry in your church. Yeah, I know it's a huge committment, but I remind you of the above statistic.

Consider that the church hasn't done the best job of reaching children for Jesus for a few generations now. Meanwhile, Satan has given them his full attention. Proof of this is easily found in our culture, which has happily embraced humanism and turned away from Christianity.

Now, imagine how all that could change in 10-30 years time if the church concentrated most of its efforts toward sharing Jesus with children. Imagine entire generations of people committed to Christ. How would that revolutionize our world?

Monday, June 22, 2009


The past couple of weeks have been interesting and challenging ones in my home. I can't go into great detail, but a couple of opportunities have presented themselves, and we are praying about them.

Either one of the opportunities would stretch my family physically, spiritually and emotionally. And, both would lead me closer to the fulfillment of God's call on my life. In fact, they already are causing us to think about the different possibilities and rammifications.

You might pray for us as we consider these options, or the option of waiting.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Happy Father's Day

It's a short post today.

One of the greatest thrills in my life is being a dad. As frustrating as my kids can be at times, I wouldn't trade them for the world. A dozen troublesome moments are wiped away by one sweet hug or kind word from them. And, when my boys accomplish something that makes them grin ear-to-ear, I know its all worth it.

Yeah, I love being a dad. And, on that note, to my own dad, Happy Father's Day. I love you.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

I Want a Racially Diverse Church

When I really began dreaming about this ministry God has called me to, there were a number of things that I envisioned to be a part of it. Among those was racial diversity.

Martin Luther King, Jr., is credited for noting that 11 a.m. on Sunday was the most segregated hour of the week. The truth of that statement is unsettling in light of the ways the early church took shape. Sadly, King's observation is true.

Let's take care of the excuses first and get them out of the way. I realize that the racial breakdown of a community has a large impact upon the diversity of a church congregation. For instance, here in Springfield, the vast majority of the population (92%) is white. In the ten county region surrounding Springfield, 95% of the population is white. So, in an area that is dominated by one race of people, it's difficult to build racial diversity in a church.

However, that isn't any excuse for not at least trying to build diversity. The biblical example of the church that was established in Acts 2 shows us that the early church in Jerusalem consisted of people from many different racial backgrounds. People who had a lot uncommon came together believing in one commonality -- that Jesus was Lord.

One of the coolest things about Christ is that He breaks down barriers that the world puts up. Through the New Testament we find examples of social and cultural walls coming down through the work of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. John 4 shows Jesus breaking down both. First, there's the Samaritan woman (racial, lower class) at the well, and later the official (upper class).

The book of Acts lists several, like Peter going to the Gentiles, Paul reaching out to Timothy (who was bi-racial), and probably one of the most striking examples comes when the poor Gentiles sent money to Jerusalem to help out the poor there.

Unfortunately, the church in America barely resembles this today. We work, play and shop with people from different races and cultures, but when it comes to church, each goes their separate ways. Friends, that's plain unbiblical.

Here's some quick ideas to combat this division:

  • Become pro-active and either invite people of other races to attend your church.
  • Or, better yet, switch churches to one of an opposite race...and take some friends with you.
  • Have your church work with a church dominated by another race. Do community and social events together. Maybe even share members or start a church plant together.
  • Hire staff members of different races. It helps break down those barriers when people see folks like them as part of the face of the church.
  • Be intentional about showing kindness to people when they visit your church. Make them feel at home.

Now, that last one should be a no-brainer, but I think it's the one we fail at the most. At one time I attended a church that completely shunned an interracial couple. It was quite embarrassing, and very unbiblical. The husband and wife endured it for a while, but eventually left.

Knock down those walls in your community. The Christian church is no place for racial segregation.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Taking a Risk for Jesus

Anyone who has ever studied or actually been in leadership knows that risk is something that joins leaders at the hip. Every decision, every new product or venture carries with it the risk of failure. The higher up in the leadership chain, the greater the risk. The fallout for failure is also increased.

Jesus detailed this when he told the story of the ten leaders who's ruler gave each the same amount of money to conduct business while he went away. When he returned to see how the men had used the money, he found the first had increased his ten-fold and the second had made a five-fold increase, but the third man on the list had hidden his share and made no profit or loss.

This is essentially a leadership lesson on risk. The third servant was deemed worthy enough to be entrusted with a portion of the ruler's money, but he became scared of the risk and chose to play it safe, hiding the money. It's no surprise that the ruler became angry and pointed out that the money could've been put into a bank and returned with interest.

Meanwhile, the other two were given a greater share of the money and responsibility. But, consider for a moment the risk these two men put their ruler's possessions in. The bank is a relatively safe risk, but these men greatly increased their owner's money with their investment. Consider that even in good years, today's stock market typically takes about a decade of good times to double, and that's with a decent amount of risk. We're not told how long the ruler would've been away or what his money was invested in, but one thing is clear, it was surely risky.

The difference between the three servants was that two of them took the risk to succeed or fail. The other was scared.

This same scenerio plays itself out today just like Jesus told it some 2,000 years ago. Especially in these difficult economic times, we are all very familiar with risk.

Let's take risk and kick it up a notch by factoring in the risk people take for the cause of Christ. It's bad enough when just market fluctuations are working on you, but when you turn your life over to Jesus and allow Him to guide you, that risk gets amplified. Here's a couple of reasons why.

First, and probably the most prominent is that when we become fully, devoted followers of Jesus, walking in His steps and into His ministry work, we are guaranteed to have Satan come at us with guns blazing. In much the same way that responsibilities grow as leaders move up the chain of leadership, the risk and strength of Satan's attacks grows greater as Christians accept more responsibility for passing on the message of Christ. Anyone who wants to be a part of spreading the Gospel should automatically anticipate the war Satan will unleash.

Second, the risk of failure in the Christian ministry is greater than just about any other endeavour. In the business world, there are tried and true formulas to reduce risk and maximize success. However, Christian ministry is full of the random ups and downs associated with the numerous free-will personalities we come into contact with each day. Unlike rules of business, there aren't too many rules of ministry that can be relied on time and again. What works to bring one person to Christ may not persuade anyone else.

Top that off with the fact that most people employed in ministry rely solely on Christians to donate their time and money to continue the work of the ministry and to pay the bills, and the risks mount.

So, what is a person to do in light of the great risks associated with spreading the Gospel? I think we need to remember these things:
  • Our risks and inconveniences pale in comparison to what Christ went through to provide salvation to those who would believe in Him.
  • Jesus never said spreading the Gospel would be easy. In fact, He said it would be hard, so expect opposition and challenges.
  • The parable of the sower details that it is our responsibility as Christians to tell people about Jesus. Their response to the message is in their own hands.
  • Sometimes when the risk is high, so is the discouragement. We feel alone in ministry. But, just as Elijah thought he was alone only to learn there were 700 other prophets God was protecting, you aren't alone. There are many others around you who stand in the ministry with you.
  • In Acts 1:8, Jesus not only gave us our ministry instructions, but he also told us we wouldn't be out there on our own. The Holy Spirit has our back. Even when things seem desperate, He is there waging war against Satan, and preparing the way for us to spread the Gospel.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Doors of Opportunity

Sorry for the delay in blogging. I've been sorting through a number of things at work and home that have gotten in the way of posting. But, I'm back today with a thought on doors of opportunity.

For some reason, we view opportunities in life as a series of doors, like those you would find along a long hallway. Each door leads to an opportunity and eventually another series of doors. The analogy is that as some opportunities move by us, we relate that these doors have closed. When an opportunity doesn't come our way, those doors never opened. And, of course, the open doors are the things in life that occur that lead us to better things.

I hear a lot about this in ministry circles. I have used the terms myself. In fact, my life can be summed up in a series of open and closed doors. In light of ministry calling, my biggest door opened up when I accepted Christ as my savior when I was five. Next on that list was when God gave me a vision for ministry a couple of years ago. Today, I am viewing a small number of opportunities, and am working through the process of turning those "door knobs."

I won't reveal what they are, but a couple of them could provide some good ministry experience as my family and I work toward God's greater calling.

How about you? Are there any doors you are finding open?

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Dreaming UP

Last week, my wife, oldest son and I went to see the Disney movie UP (in 3-D, no less). Not to necessarily promote the movie, but it was one of the best stories I have ever seen in an animated film.

Most adults I know who have seen it admit to getting misty eyed as the movie deals with the life of one boy full of dreams who grows into an old man that never fulfilled many of those dreams. One day, he when it appears he's headed to the retirement home, the hobbled widower begins the wild quest to fulfill his late-wife's greatest dream...to visit a giant waterfall in South America. I'll save the rest of the details, and you'll have to watch the movie to see how it ends.

While I watched the film, one of the elements that struck me was the contrast between the child and elderly versions of this individual. The younger's mind was filled with great adventures and the desire for exploration. The older had settled for the heartbreaks of life, the squashed dreams and the lost love of his life. As it turned out, the older man had never really forgotten those dreams of his youth. He still had them, but didn't think he could ever fulfill them -- until he tried.

All of this made me think of a couple of things. The first was the realization that even though they may not appear to, many elderly folks around us may still have life dreams they would like to accomplish before their time is up. That's a facinating concept, and it would be neat to see more of the elderly attempt to fulfill those dreams.

The second thing I thought about is more spiritual, and comes out of Joel 2:28 where the prophet writes about old men dreaming dreams. The passage in Joel is a reference to God pouring out His Spirit on believers, and this is one of the effects. It's a beautiful and wonderous image, mainly because the portrayal of the elderly we see around us is that of hobbled and slowed individuals who don't seem to have any dreams left to accomplish or the desire to complete what they dream.

The picture Joel talks about leads me to believe that we have a lot more Abraham's and Moses' around us than we realize. Today, we live post-Christ, in a time where the Holy Spirit has been poured out on Christians. So, we should be seeing the fulfillment of Joel 2:28, where the sons and daughters prophesy, young men see visions, and old folks dream dreams. But, do we actually see this stuff happening in America?

I believe it's happening, but only in limited circles. We don't see Joel 2:28 taking place in much of American Christianity, and I believe it's partially due to the complacency that is rampent among the entire society. Complacency chokes out dreams; squeezes away the desires to fulfill them. Another piece of this puzzle can also be attributed to fear. We fear what we cannot see or do not know. The Joel 2:28 work of the Holy Spirit is the kind of thing that might create fear in people, even believers, who aren't used to experiencing them.

But, according to scripture, Joel 2:28 and the events we see in the book of Acts should be commonplace in Christianity today. It's time to wipe the cobwebbs out of our aging minds (even mine of 35 years), begin to accept the dreams the Holy Spirit brings to us, and then follow through on those visions God gives us.

Don't grow old gracefully. Grow old active for Jesus.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Memorable Day

I'm back from vacation. Today, instead of posting my usual thoughts, I want to redirect you to my wife's blog. Yesterday (June 7) was a very important day for our family. It was one year ago on June 7, 2008, that our world was changed forever. My wife and two youngest boys were in a terrible rollover crash on their way home from visiting her folks. The boys came out okay, but my wife had serious damage to her right hand that she will be dealing with for the rest of her life.

I am thankful to God for his protection on my family that night. If you've ever doubted God's protection, I have three family members who serve as living proof of His care.

Check out my wife's blog post, and the video at the end.

Monday, June 1, 2009


Hey all, I'm on vacation this week, and will resume posting next Monday.