Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Doors of Opportunity

Sorry for the delay in blogging. I've been sorting through a number of things at work and home that have gotten in the way of posting. But, I'm back today with a thought on doors of opportunity.

For some reason, we view opportunities in life as a series of doors, like those you would find along a long hallway. Each door leads to an opportunity and eventually another series of doors. The analogy is that as some opportunities move by us, we relate that these doors have closed. When an opportunity doesn't come our way, those doors never opened. And, of course, the open doors are the things in life that occur that lead us to better things.

I hear a lot about this in ministry circles. I have used the terms myself. In fact, my life can be summed up in a series of open and closed doors. In light of ministry calling, my biggest door opened up when I accepted Christ as my savior when I was five. Next on that list was when God gave me a vision for ministry a couple of years ago. Today, I am viewing a small number of opportunities, and am working through the process of turning those "door knobs."

I won't reveal what they are, but a couple of them could provide some good ministry experience as my family and I work toward God's greater calling.

How about you? Are there any doors you are finding open?

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