I'm up to 50+ posts on this blog, and the thought crossed my mind, "Why should you read my blog?" Personally, I hope you're able to glean some insight that you hadn't thought of before. I hope you're able to apply a life changing thought to your lives. I know that is what I do when I read other blogs.
One of the big positives of the blogging universe is the ability for writers to share thoughts and experiences. Readers can then ponder those ideas, and see if they might apply to their lives.
I enjoy following guys like Perry Noble, Craig Groschel, Tommy Sparger, John Maxwell and Jon Acuff. From these guys, I get some humor, some bursts of Christian thought and Bible application, or some leadership ideas I can apply to my life.
Who should you follow? Well, that's entirely up to you. Certainly, you can't spend all your day reading the blogs, but maybe you have time to read four to six moderate length posts. Somewhere in there, you're bound to find some ideas for your own life.
But, here's the kicker...don't stick with the same half dozen. Every once in a while mix it up, and follow some other guys. Maybe the ones you follow will recommend other blogs (kinda like I just did with this post).
There is one key, though. Make sure the people you follow are credible. There are a lot of folks with blogs and opinions that can give them, but don't really have anything to really base their thoughts on. There are others who like to tear down the good guys in Christianity. Avoid them, too.
Here's my other key to blog reading. Diversify. Your financial consultant will tell you to spread your investment to different sources. Blog reading should also be diversified. This way, you'll reap the profits of many different walks of life and points of view. For instance, you may find a blogger that you may not agree with 100% of the time, but they may be able to give you a perspective that you won't find in your normal circle of friends.
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