Much has been made of Kanye West's disruption of Taylor Swift's acceptance speech at the VMA's this past weekend, so to add another voice in the discussion would be rather pointless. However, I think what Kanye did perfectly illustrates what happens all the time in our churches.
Get some momentum going and BOOM, along comes a disruption. Jesus starts moving among the congregation and WHAP, there's a distraction. Begin a new service program in your community and THUD, a diversion takes your attention. Make major changes to the way the church operates and CRASH, you get division.
Anytime you begin following the path God has laid out for you, whether the YOU in this case is you as an individual or your church, expect someone or something to come along and try to disrupt what God is doing. Let me re-emphasize that...EXPECT IT TO HAPPEN, because most likely, it will.
So, how do you deal with the disruptions that try to tear you from God's promises? Well, the first thing you do is turn the trouble over to God. He has a knack of dealing with disruptions while protecting His people. And, secondly, you can't let the disruptions take the microphone (see: Taylor Swift). Once you give a disruption a foothold, it'll grab that and take some more until the disruption has become a distraction, which in turn creates a diversion and eventually leads to division.
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