2009 is almost in the books. How time flys.
As we wrap up this year, I have a few thoughts to share with my readers.
- The annual ball drop in New York City's Time's Square to ring in the new year has to be one of the biggest let downs in all of the world's New Year's celebrations. I'm sure the party on the ground is cool, but for the television viewer, all we experience is a less than glamorous ball dropping followed by a short and cheap fireworks display. This is NYC! Can't someone put together a bigger celebration?!? Blow the roofs off those skyscrapers. Fireworks should go for at least an hour. I'm just saying....
- We're on the brink of having nationalized health care. It will be the biggest mistake the United States will have made since Social Security (which we all now know is not secure). Government has never been the solution to any of the nation's problems...NEVER!
- I look forward to the congressional elections in November. If I had already had my hand in politics, I would probably be running. There will be a lot of angry Americans seeking political office this coming year. Be sure to choose the best ones to right the ship that the liberals are trying to sink.
- Speaking of liberals. Give them a hug, but don't give them any power. Democracy and Capitalism are the answers to our country's problems, not Socialism.
- Eluding to conservatives. Conservatives have the best answers, but don't be fooled by liberals and moderates in conservative clothing, lest they sell out their public image in order to improve their financial and political standing. The conservative uprising of 1994 was a great one for the country. Sadly, the real conservatives were beat down by the pretend-conservatives, and the conservative movement lost out in 2006 & 2008.
- Speaking of the Republican Party, 2010 will be the resurgance of the GOP if true conservatives regain control of the party leadership. Otherwise, 2010 will the the year the GOP is replaced by a third party.
- Speaking of third parties, I think some will win congressional seats in 2010, and we could see a third party (conservative) candidate win the White House in 2012. Conditions are ripe for that.
- Government is not the answer, and 2010 should be the year that the Christian church rises up to provide the answers. The church doesn't need to get political to supply those answers. It just has to live up to the design Christ left it.
- I have one resolution this coming year: to become more disciplined. That way, I should be able to tackle all the other things I want to accomplish in the upcoming 365 days.
- If all goes as planned, my wife and I should be debt free in a matter of days. I still remember when we got into debt for the first time. It still makes me vomit a little in my mouth. We will not be going down that roller coaster ride again...not even to buy a house. I expect people will be looking at us oddly as we stop relying on credit to live.
- I'm planning on reading through the entire Bible this year. One of my favorite ways to read the Bible is on my smart phone. It's easier to take it in chunks, and I can carry it with me everywhere I go. Now, if I can only get a more reliable phone.
- 2009 had it's ups and downs. I'm hoping 2010 will be a great year.
That's it. Have a Happy New Year.
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