Monday, January 4, 2010

Monday Ten

For the lover of lists, here is the first Monday Ten of Twenty-Ten.

1. Snow, Snow, Snow. Love the snow. Hate the cold.

2. I survived my 15th anniversary and Christmas without getting sick, but could not make it past the New Year before a stomach bug nailed everyone in my family.

3. By the end of this week, my family should be DEBT FREE. Dave Ramsey will be proud.

4. I am looking forward to this year. The past two have been difficult. I see some good things on the horizon that could play out in the next twelve months.

5. I see where Missouri legislators will be debating legislation that could allow open enrollment at the state's public schools. That would give parents the right to take put their kids in the school district of their choice. So long as it doesn't get watered down, this should create competition, and force districts to do a better job educating our kids. You can't just throw money at a problem, you have to also hold the recipients accountable.

6. My wife gets a new stove this week. She is giddy with excitement. You would be too if the only thing that consistently worked on your stove was the oven. But, we've had the old one for twelve years. I suppose we can let it go, now.

7. My wife is buying me a late Christmas gift -- golf clubs. We tried to go look at some yesterday at Play It Again Sports, but their loft where the golf equipment is stored was about 90 degrees and unbearable to stand in.

8. I'm looking forward to talking with my financial advisor in a few days about investing for our future, and our kids' college savings.

9. I talked with a local pastor last Thursday who shared some incredible news. His church only runs between 50-100, but in the year of June 2008-June 2009 they saw 55 people give their lives to Jesus, and they were one of the leaders amongst the SBC in baptisms. That's cool for a relatively small church.

10. Finally, with the cold temperatures this week, my golden retriever and my two cats are getting to know each other very well. They're all spending quality time in the garage together.

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