Monday, May 24, 2010

Monday Ten

1. School is out for the year. The kids are excited.

2. My oldest is now a 6th grader. Where has the time gone.

3. I've been teaching the 4th/5th grade class at church for a year now. It's been fun, and I look forward to this upcoming year. Sadly, though, I'm losing my oldest child from my class. He's moving to the middle school department.

4. This month in KidPoint, we've been learning about patience. This past weekend, patience dealt with losing your temper. It was a good lesson that I used Saturday night, because the 21 kids I had tried my patience all night long.

5. I'm very interested in the upcoming series of messages that North Point Church will be presenting in June. We're teaming up with the One Prayer movement, and will be showing video messages from other preachers around the world. I don't know the schedule of speakers yet, but good money would have it that Craig Groeschel of will be one of the speakers. He's been mentoring our pastor.

6. Speaking of our pastor, he tweeted this past week that he was looking at a building for the possible site of North Point Church's new video campus. Possible launch date is January 2011. Judging by other tweets around that same time frame, it might be a south Springfield campus.

7. We had a bit of an adventure with our middle child this weekend. After church, he was horsing around with another boy, and did a nosedive onto the concrete floor in our lobby. He got up complaining that his hand hurt, but it seemed to go away. Later Saturday night, we noticed his hand was swollen. That prompted a visit to the doctor on Sunday. Fortunately, it wasn't broken.

8. I will admit that I was a little mean to him Sunday night. We were in our back yard, and he was trying to race a neighbor girl. We didn't want him running, since he wasn't supposed to be doing anything that might re-injure the hand. So, in an effort to slow him down, I told him he could only run if he held his injured hand high above his head. VERY FUNNY!

9. Galatians 1:10. If you're a person who lets a lot of other people tell you what to do, instead of God, this verse will be life changing. It has been for me.

10. Totally unexpectedly, Sunday night, I may have landed a speaking date. I'll say more when it is confirmed.

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