Last week, I blogged about the need for establishing some personal self controls so that we can avoid the dangers that would destroy our relationships, our careers and our walk with God.
I have three boys at home, and I'm not sure what it is about children that make them want to push the boundaries of their parents' rules, but they do it just the same. My younger two are perfect examples.
I can mark that proverbial line in the sand, and they will get to the edge of that line, and look me in the eye as they cross into disobedience. What's interesting is how they go about it.
They don't take one giant step in defiance. They slowly shuffle up to it, all the time keeping an eye on my reaction. It isn't until they get to the edge of disobedience that they take that big leap, and sprint toward what I had told them not to do.
That is precisely how we leap into the dangers that cause damage in our lives. Whether we are Christ-followers or not, the majority of us have a built-in sense of right and wrong. We know when we are playing with fire, and what the end results will be if we go too far for too long.
But, just like my kids, we shuffle to the edge of danger, flirting with it for a while, and them jump in with both feet. All the while, we hope we don't get burned. Or, more precisely, we don't think we will get burned.
We see all the evidence of people who have flirted with the same dangers, and the charred remains of their lives. But, we convince ourselves that the damage won't happen to us.
Eventually, though, our luck runs out, and we reach the tipping point. Disaster strikes, and we're left to deal with the mess we have created. Oh, and there are casualties. There are always casualties.
Are you flirting with something dangerous in your life?
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