Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tithing - A Challenge Worth Investing Toward

This past weekend at North Point Church, Pastor Tommy kicked off a new tithing campaign. But, unlike the tithing campaigns you've likely seen in your church, this one is short term (three months) and comes with a money-back guarantee.

Click here to read more about the three-month challenge, and let me know what you think.


  1. NO ONE, absolutely NO ONE pays the Biblical tithe today.

    Leviticus 27:30-33, Numbers 18: The First Tithe - a tenth of crops and animals and commanded to take the tithe to the Levites.

    Deuteronomy 14:22-27: The Second Tithe aka The Festival Tithe - a tenth of crops, plus add to that the firstborn animals, and take for the yearly feast.

    Deuteronomy 14:28-29: The Third Tithe aka The Three-Year Tithe aka The Poor Tithe - a tenth of crops, kept at home, and invite the Levites, widows, orphans, stranger to eat.

    Now, tell me. Which of the above three tithes commanded by God does anyone follow today?

    The ONLY people in the Old Testament that were commanded to tithe were those who INHERITED THE PROMISED LAND WITH EVERYTHING ON IT. They got the land, house, animals, crops, etc. ALL FREE AND CLEAR. No mortgage payment or rent to pay. And THEY were commanded to tithe on the crops and animals and take it to the Levites who INHERITED the tithe INSTEAD OF the promised land with everything on it. No one else tithed. Wage earners did not tithe. Jesus didn’t tithe. Paul didn’t tithe. Peter didn’t tithe.


    There is no way to justify making some “principle” out of the Biblical facts and then apply it to Christians today. It is just flat out wrong and makes no sense at all.

  2. Although this may be a very nontraditional approach, it serves a specific purpose. Pastor Tommy has a unique "out of the box" way of thinking that connects people with God, evidenced by the phenomenal growth of North Point Church in Springfield. I see this idea not as a test, but rather a catalyst that can encourage many to take that leap of faith in giving, not just their money, but also their time, energy, abilities, and resources. My sense is that those who devote themselves to giving will be so richly blessed the "guarantee" will not even cross their minds, ultimately fortifying their faith in God's promises. Consider the hundreds who show up for the 2nd Saturday IMPACT outreach each month that does so much for the community. This is Christianity in action: giving of ourselves to help others.

  3. Those who believe in the blessings and curses mentioned in Malachi must also believe they are under the Old Testament law; thus, they have fallen from grace.

    This is nothing but pure manipulation of God's Word. Furthermore, Malachi is addressed to the priests, not the general public.

    Jesus paid THE WHOLE PRICE.

    I find it quite offensive that pastors have appointed themselves to be the receiver of what belongs to God. After all, the pastor says the tithe belongs to God. Then he self-appoints himself to receive the tithe!!!

    God never gave any pastor or church permission to receive his tithe or his gifts. God commanded His tithe be taken to the Levites, FOREVER, in Numbers 18.

    Since the tithe belongs to God, if your pastor accepts it isn't he stealing it from God?

    Lucky for those of you who think you tithe, you are merely giving a tenth of your income to your church. You aren't paying the Biblical tithe or you would be disobeying God's command to take His tithe to the Levites. But then, if in your heart you are paying the Biblical tithe, wouldn’t that be sinning by breaking God's commands?
