Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Changing Focus

In an effort to bring back active blogging to this site, I am changing my focus a little bit.

Instead of writing in the series style, I am moving to a format that I have seen other bloggers employ. Certain days of the week will carry a different theme.

This change should allow for better organization of the blog, and better focus. Plus, if I have a lot to say about a particular subject, I can stretched the series out over a few weeks instead of packing it all into one week.

Yes, this means waiting longer to get my full perspective, but it also means I don't go to the writing well too many times, effective drying up the available topics.

By taking this new approach, I give structure to the blogging. In the past, I might go several weeks focused on one area, and not give other interests the spotlight.

So, here's the new plan. My experiences, career and interests will guide content. That content will focus on leadership, ministry and media.

I have been a student of leadership for nearly two decades. I have enjoyed learning how to lead, and implementing what I have learned.

I love to lead people. I love teaching young leaders. And, I hope to share some insights each Tuesday.

For a believer in Jesus Christ, nothing is more important than loving God and loving each other. Serving Christ means that we do our part to increase His kingdom.

On Wednesday, I will explore different thoughts about ministry, biblical truth and application.

My day job is as program director of KWFC radio in Springfield, Missouri. My experience will provide a unique insight for artists, listeners and broadcasting folks.

Each Thursday, look for posts on anything from reviews to music production to general media issues.

That, of course, leaves the other four days to address random topics. Don't expect regular posts on these days. I do have to live a life.

But, I do need a place to share about my family and odds & ends.

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