Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Five Reasons Why You Need a Diverse Team

In the more than twelve years of involvement in leadership, one of the best lessons I have learned is the importance of having a solid team around you.

Teams provide so much more to a group or organization than a single person could do on their own.

Here are five reasons you need a diverse team surrounding you.
  • A team of people gives you diversity. When a leader tries to go it alone, they are only able to provide the wisdom and experience of one lifetime. A team gives you access to several experts and lifetimes all in the same room.
  • Teams multiply the abilities of the leader. One person can only work so hard and for so long before they wear down. A team can carry that burden and split the workload to accomplish the goal in a much more manageable timeframe.
  • Teams provide accountability. The leader who thinks he should be accountable to no one has a fool for an advisor. Teams help to push the leader toward the goals of the organization, and provide necessary feedback for approval or correction.
  • Teams allow the leader to delegate responsibilities to the most qualified and experienced in the company. This frees the leadership to dream up new ideas and vision, while ensuring the work is completed on time and with excellence.
  • Finally, the leader who develops a competent and skilled group will be setting the company up for long term success long after the leader has left the organization. That its what we call "leaving a legacy."
What are some other benefits of a leadership team? I'd love to hear your thoughts.

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