Friday, November 20, 2009

Do Something

In Matthew 26, Jesus tells us that we will always have the poor with us. I wonder if at times this reality doesn't seem too big for the church to handle. I know just by looking at all the needs in my community that it can seem overwhelming to try to tackle all of them.

For the church, especially the small ones, I'm sure the task of caring for the poor seems equally daunting. Yet, scripture doesn't let us off the hook.

One of the most beautiful passages regarding the church helping the poor comes at the end of Acts 11. The Gospel message is being preached outside of Jerusalem and churches are being established through the Mediterranean region, and into an area of great poverty. Here you find churches consisting of people with less than those in Jerusalem.

Yet, Acts 11:29 shows us something remarkable. These people didn't let their lack of funds get in the way of God. It says, "So the believers in Antioch decided to send relief to the brothers and sisters in Judea, everyone giving as much as they could."

It doesn't say they gave millions of dollars, or rubies and gold. It says they gave as much as they could. Simply put, they did something. Just something. They couldn't solve the world's problems, but they recognized an area of need that they could address and they fixed it.

In your town or your neighborhood, your church can do something. So, band together and DO SOMETHING. Fighting the injustices of this world requires that much at least.

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