Monday, November 30, 2009

Monday Ten

1. Christmas time is finally here. I try to avoid it like the swine flu until after Thanksgiving. My wife wanted to put up the tree on Halloween. Since I'm the only one who can get the tree off the top shelf in our garage, I won that battle. But, she's been playing Christmas music for the past month when I haven't been home, so I guess it comes out as a draw.

2. Christmas time is finally here. Christmas has always proven to be an exciting time at our church. North Point Church does something neat every Christmas season. This year's message series is titled "Xmas: Putting the True Christ in Christmas."

3. As I do every Saturday night, I taught the 4th & 5th grade kids at North Point. In our teachers meeting before the service, our team leader commented that it should be a light evening since it was a holiday weekend. I ended up with 20 kids (about average), and several that normally don't attend Saturday service.

4. On that holiday weekend attendance thing, NPC saw more than 4,000 people attend services Saturday and Sunday. Four thousand...on Thanksgiving weekend. That's totally whacked, but also totally cool. Several people gave their hearts to Jesus in each service. That is totally awesome.

5. The blue men showed up during service this weekend. Well, actually, it was NPC's version of the blue men. As fun as it was, the offering special blew away the entire service. It was simple, yet phenomenal. We do serve and awesome God.

6. I closed the door on a chapter of our lives this weekend...and, I'm okay with it. A few months ago, it was depressing to consider, but today I'm ready to move on. Sorry, no details are forthcoming.

7. I'm taking off a couple of days from work this week, and have no idea what I'm going to do. I don't have money to shop or travel, but I don't want to sit at home the entire time either.

8. The radio station I work for, KWFC, went into Christmas mode this weekend. I'm most excited about our re-vamped overnight schedule. We're airing all-Christmas music until Christmas day. After that, we go all southern gospel. This change has been a long time coming, and I'm jazzed about it. Can't wait for December 26th.

9. As I sit at my laptop writing some of this week's blog entries, I am reminded of a time the college group I led at church went caroling at a local hospital. I'll write about this for tomorrow. The experience was very moving, and still brings tears when I think about it.

10. My wife and I are expecting some news any day now related to the automobile accident she was in a year-and-a-half ago. It will be life changing, but at the moment, the wait is causing a lot of anxiety.

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