Monday, February 8, 2010

Monday Ten

1. Way to go Saints! How ironic that after Hurricane Katrina, there was much speculation that this year's Superbowl champs would be relocating to Oklahoma City or San Antonio.

2. This was the first year my boys seemed interested in watching the Superbowl. They cheered for the Saints, while my wife rooted for the Colts. Loser got to clean toilets.

3. My oldest son was really into the game this year. In fact, he was really into football this year. My wife says he's been watching me and my interest in the sport, then copying that interest. It's both good and weird to be a dad.

4. My oldest boy jumped and hollered around the living room when the Saints won. He was happy, because one of his best friends was born in New Orleans.

5. My son's celebration reminded me of his second Superbowl party, the year the Rams won. I was jumping and hollering, and scared the boy half to death.

6. Superbowl commercials aren't what they used to be. I think marketing firms have run out of good ideas. But, there were some interesting ones to note:

  • All the fear mongering over the Focus on the Family commercial featuring Tim Tebow and his mother, Pam, was all-about-nothing. The ad was harmless, happy and fun. Hat tip to the marketers behind it. Very clever way to get people to the Focus on the Family website. And, the ad made the critics of the spot look very foolish. By the way, did anyone else think Pam Tebow looks and sounds like actress Mary Steenburgen?
  • The Doritos ads were all pretty good. And, they didn't use marketing firms to come up with the ideas. They were all created by Doritos consumers. I had a friend who helped create one ad. Sadly, it didn't make it to the game.
  • The beer ads in years past were the ones that left people laughing and talking the next day. This year, not so much. In fact, they were mostly dull and unmemorable, but at least there were horses.
  • let website visitors vote on the ad that should make it to the big game. Sadly, the funniest ad was left on the website. No one got to see the job fairy. It was funnier and more memorable than the "Casual Friday" ad.
  • There were a lot of manly ads. Dodge Charger led the way. I like seeing men treated like something other than a dumb chimp.
  • Use of the Internet was a premium in ads this year. I saw a lot that directed people to company websites to learn more. Very smart.

7. This weekend saw the kickoff concert of the KWFC concert series. It's a new venture the station is embarking on. Around 600 people braved the snow to see Three Bridges and Chris Hester. And, they all had a great evening.

8. In April, KWFC will bring in Gold City, the Hoppers & 2nd Generation. At KWFC Day at the Ozark Empire Fair, gospel music fans will enjoy Signature Sound Quartet. And, in the fall, we're bringing in Triumphant Quartet and the Greenes.

9. Right about now, Outreach Magazine should be conducting surveys of churches nationwide as part of their annual "census." Results of the largest and fastest growing congregations should be out in eight or nine months. Last year, my church was in the top 10 fastest growing. Should be interesting.

10. It's snowing again this Monday. Most folks I talk to are sick of the snow...except those friends from Colorado. You know who you are.

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