Tuesday, February 23, 2010

My Church

"I'm not happy with the stuff they're doing to my church."

"My church is the best."

"This doesn't feel like church anymore."

"Our church is so much better than that old fashioned one across town."

How selfish and arrogant we are when it comes to the church. We get ourselves worked up over this change or that music selection. Our feathers get ruffled when someone paints the hallways, or replaces the seats. We get down right mad when the pastor announces that we are ending a long-standing program.

Why all the fuss? Why do we get riled up? Simple. Because it's all happening in OUR church.

Jesus said to Peter in Matthew 16:18, "Now I say to you that you are Peter (which means ‘rock’), and upon this rock I will build my church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it." (NLT)

Did you catch it? Right in the middle of the verse that establishes the church, the man delivering the vision for it claims it as his own. Jesus says, "...I will build MY church...."

It belongs to Jesus, not you or I. How arrogant of us to try to steal ownership of Jesus' church, so that we can satisfy our selfish desires! Additionally, it becomes problematic for us to ask God to build our church instead of building His church.

It belongs to Jesus. As you head toward Sunday, recognize this fact and put it into play.

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