Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Repost: The Importance of Integrity

This entry was originally posted on February 8, 2011. It's timely, and relevant. Read on:

If you have ever had dealings with anyone of questionable character, you fully understand the importance that integrity plays in a person's life.

Recently, I learned that a person I have known for a long time has struggled with a very serious character failure for much of his adult life. He has led people to believe that he is something he is not. Now, if you knew the ways in which he has destroyed his integrity, you would no doubt be shocked.

But, here's reality -- there isn't a single person who has his or her integrity fully in check. Romans 3:23 points out this fact. It says that even if we have never committed adultery, been addicted to drugs, or murdered someone, there is still a flaw in our character that has allowed sin into our lives. We have all fallen short of God's standard.

I say all of this simply to point out that the next time someone you know has a major integrity failure, remember Romans 3:23, and do a self-examination of your own character. Then, whatever behavior you find that has you falling short of God's standard, seek His forgiveness and repent of that sin.

Do you have some ways to safe guard your integrity? I'd like to hear them.

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