Thursday, February 16, 2012

Three Easy Media Tools Every Church Should Use

When I first started to get involved in church leadership, one of the first things I realized was the disconnect that exists between information and communication.

Here's what I mean. Every church has events, activities, and basic information they want to pass along to the people that attend there. There is other information that the church wants to get out to people who don't attend.

The electronic age has produced three easy, cost-effective ways to get the word out.


Out of the three, websites will be the one to cost you money. It will also have the greatest return.

Websites can be your biggest promotional asset if done right. Hosting prices are very affordable. Domain name costs aren't too bad. And, design can cost as much as you want to invest.

Design is made simple with the use of content management systems. These use pre-designed templates that require little web design knowledge.

To be most effective, websites must be attractive and simple to use. The sky's the limit on the content you wish to publish.


Millions of people visit Facebook each day. There are people in your church and community that are active on the popular social media site.

The fact that it is free to use makes Facebook the perfect medium to keep constant contact with the world.
It's relatively easy to set up a page for your church, and updating is simple.

There is no reason every church should not have a Facebook page.


Twitter is another easy-to-use and totally free social media site that has millions of users.

Twitter is restricted to 140 characters, which is just enough room for a one topic comment. That seems small, but regular users have learned how to maximize that limited space.

Twitter is best for promoting a single thought or idea. And, its restricted length forces users to get to the point.

Try out these three tools. They are great resources that every church should have in today's technologically age.

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