This is a re-post of my wife's blog from today. Enjoy!
How many of you like control over your life? Most of us, right? You may like your life just the way it is, and think "Why should I hand over the keys to God?" Christians hesitate to just give God their all. We make excuses as to why we can't do that. God asks us to live by faith. It is a hard thing to do for most Christians. It's hard to say, "Here God, I totally turn my life over to you and will live by faith." But, when we do, we reap huge benefits. I have not always been faithful at letting God totally have the keys, but when I do he always takes good care of me, and I am blessed.
To convey how important it is to hand over the keys to God I will tell you what happened to me. Two-years-ago I was was in a violent roll-over crash. It was the most terrifying night of my life. I can still hear the boys screaming, "Mommy, help me!" Just heart breaking for a mother to know her babies are that scared and in danger.
A young girl had hit a guardrail and slammed into the side of my van, sending me up under a bridge and hitting the top of the bridge support. I went airborne for 50-feet and then rolled end-over-end for three or four times before stopping. I had my two youngest sons with me that night. They were 2 & 4 years old. They were fine other than a few little bumps & bruises. I took the brunt of it with a concussion, bruised lungs, head & neck soft tissue damage and my right hand was sliced open by the shattered windshield. My right hand had three finger tendons shredded, nerves damaged and bone exposed. It was not a pretty sight.
I tell you all this to tell you this. That night I thought I was almost home with my babies. I had just looked in the mirror a few minutes before, and they were sleeping peacefully in their car seats. Next thing I know, I am being pushed up the bridge. At that moment I handed over the keys to God. The one I trusted could help us! You say, "But Rebekah, you were still hurt." Yes, I was, but my babies were fine, and we all survived. It's a miracle! So see when we truly let God take control, He takes good care of us. Who better than to trust your life with. So, I challenge you today to give it all to God. The one that made you. The one that loves you more than anyone. And if you're not a Christian turn over your life to God today! You will never regret turning it all over to God, but you may regret it if you don't.
To show you what a miracle our accident was, I'm going to share some pictures of my wrecked van! I'm so glad that I let "JESUS TAKE THE WHEEL."For I know the plan I have for you," Declares the LORD, " Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you Hope and a Future. Jeremiah 29:11
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