1. I preached yesterday for the first time in two years. I spoke at the 1st Free Will Baptist Church in Mountain Grove, Missouri. It was a wonderful experience.
2. My message was titled "Guardrails," and was designed to get people to set protective barriers in their lives in order to avoid making bad choices.
3. Passage that struck me as totally awesome, Proverbs 13:20 - Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.
4. I gave some radical tips for married folks to safeguard their marriages and avoid the temptations that lead to sexual immorality.
5. One of the best tips is to not ride in a vehicle alone, have meetings alone, or eat alone with a member of the opposite sex if you aren't married to that person. To do that is to swing the door wide open, and to invite tempation to come into your life. By the way, our culture scoffs at this type of guardrail.
6. Personal guardrails (aka: personal convictions) don't make sense to the culture. The culture tries to lure us to the edge of the moral cliff, then mocks us if we step off.
7. I spent the weekend without a cell phone. Service issues. I won't say more, because I'd say something I would probably regret.
8. I'm playing golf today with a co-worker and friends from another radio station. It's media day for our local golf tournament, so all the media folks will be hitting the course.
9. Then, on Tuesday, I plan to take a college buddy to the driving range. Good times!
10. Finally, I am entertaining invitations to come speak/preach/teach for your church, organization or club. I'm trying to decide if this is really where God is calling me, and can use your prayers as my wife and I seek God's direction.
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