I have chosen a new look and name for my blog. I trust you will enjoy the new feel and theme.
I had been discontent with my old site for a while, because the blog had taken a shape that was outside of the original intent. That happens as things grow and mature.
With this change, my focus is going to primarily sharing my thoughts on the things God is doing, the ways he is working, and my thoughts on Christianity. I may delve into other areas from time to time, but telling you that people matter to God is the main priority.
Why this title? It's rather simple. I see a lot of churches and Christians that don't really live like people matter to God. We have a tendency to say all the right things, but our actions sometimes betray our words. We talk about the fact that people need Jesus, but then we do nothing to lead them to Him.
People matter to God. That's a phrase I've heard pastor Herbert Cooper use in some of his messages as Peoples Church in Oklahoma City, and I'm going to borrow it for this site.
Let me know what you think of the changes.
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