Monday, March 1, 2010

Monday Ten

1. It's March 1st. Spring is just 20 days away. My money is on it still snowing in April. This cold weather is getting old.

2. I'm a bit sad that the Olympics are over. It was neat having something interesting and different to watch each night. The three highlights for me, USA winning gold in the four-man bobsled (who could've seen that coming); gold in men's figure skating (again, who would've guessed); and finally, the silver in ice dancing going to an American pair at their first Olympics. Great stuff.

3. My wife and youngest child were under the weather for this weekend. Sickness is sickening.

4. My wife bought me a belated Christmas gift last week -- new golf clubs. I can't wait to use them.

5. Since it's been too icky and cold to hit the golf course or driving ranges, I've been practicing putting in my living room. This has gotten my boys interested in golf. I'm afraid something is going to end up broken.

6. It dawned on me today that six years ago, when we were putting our first child into kindergarten, school seemed so different from the way it was when my wife and I were kids. Now that our second child is in kindergarten and our oldest is moving into the middle school years, our kids' schools seem normal, and I can't remember how we did it 30 years ago.

7. I'm anticipating a quiet week at home and work. The home part usually doesn't pan out, but work should be quiet this week.

8. I see where Vincent David Jericho is back on the air...sort of. On the Internet. I enjoy political discussion, and even though I'm not the biggest fan of VDJ, I do respect what he brings to the table.

9. My pastor is going to be in Haiti with Convoy of Hope for part of this week. This coming weekend, he'll be interviewing the head of Convoy during our worship services.

10. Finally, this week will contain some sadness. A college roommate of mine lost his wife to cancer last week. She was 36 and leaves behind her husband and two, young children. The funeral is Tuesday.

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