But, American Christians are getting their first real taste of persecution. Oh, there has been a growing tide of public opinion against a certain type of Christian that ignores the world around them, and shows no care for people desperately in need of Jesus. It doesn't take many rotten apples to spoil the experience of those who aren't Christ followers, and develop a nasty stereotype for Christianity.
This post is a followup to Tuesday's regarding the debate surrounding Miss California's comments at Sunday's Miss USA pageant, where she stated her support for marriage to be defined as between one man and one woman. In some circles, she is being destroyed because of her pro-family stand. But, not to be left out of the fuss is Christianity, which is getting some blame for her views.
Five years ago, I don't think most Christians would have ever imagined they'd see a day where Christian beliefs would be attacked so openly or in such a nasty fashion. Yes, persecution has come to America, and it's only gaining steam.
Jesus and the New Testament writers had a lot to say about persecution. Jesus warned us it was coming, and told us to be wise around those who would destroy us for our beliefs. And, in an indirect way, he encouraged us to prepare ourselves for persecution lest we run at the first sign of trouble.
So, what are Christians to do in face of the growing persecution? I have a few ideas:
- As referenced in the parable of the sower, those who have studied the Bible and know what it really says will be able to withstand the persecutions, and provide a wise response to the attackers.
- Remember that Jesus forewarned us that we would face great opposition, even greater than what He faced.
- Rejoice in the Lord always. Peter and John remembered the words of Jesus when they were flogged for preaching in Jesus' name, and they rejoiced over being found worthy to face persecution for their Lord.
- Expect it to get worse before it gets better. If you check into history, the stoning of Stephen was just the first in a long line of Christians slaughtered for the cause of Christ.
- Know that Christianity has never spread faster than when faced with persecution. It's one of God's paradoxes. You would think people would flee from the ideology being persecuted, but they flock to Christianity. The church grew like a wildfire through dry brush in a strong wind during the days that Rome was blaming Christians for their problems. Many Christians lost their lives for their beliefs, but the numbers of those that believed in Jesus grew to the point that the society that tried to destroy them became Christian itself. There's something peculiar about a person that won't sell out his core beliefs when faced with death. That's gets the attention of the world.
- Finally, understand that God opens unexpected doors of opportunity during persecutions. The early church had grown comfortable in Jerusalem. They weren't really fulfilling Christ's command to take the Gospel into the world. But, Acts 8 changed everything. Persecution sent the believers scrambling to outlying towns where they took their faith with them. I love the story of Phillip, because he is the first Christian missionary, and his faith brought Jesus to Samaria, fulfilling part of the Great Commission.
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